
  • 电影别名:KeroseneSalesman`sWife
  • 导演:AleksandrKaidanovsky
  • 演员:VytautasPaukste 、AleksandrBaluev 、AnnaMyasoyedova
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:苏联
  • 语言:俄语
  • 上映时间:1988-12-14
  • 片长:95min
  • 豆瓣评分:8
导演: 亚历山大·凯伊达诺夫斯基编剧: 亚历山大·凯伊达诺夫斯基主演: Vytautas Paukste / Aleksandr Baluev / Anna Myasoyedova典范: 剧情制片国家/地区: 苏联言语: 俄语上映日期: 1988片长: 95min别号: Kerosene Salesman‘s Wife / Zhena kerosinshchikaIMDb链接: tt0096503Gloomy postmodernism from the student of Tarkovski. I was really stressed by this film. It is very awesome and absurd story set in Kaliningrad. One can see a lot of ruined castles and 18-19th century German buildings here. You can also see the grave of Immanuil Kant and a lot of screened freaks. Atmospheric and cold suspense with some gore and psychotropic visions. Very nasty and hypnotic trip into the flashbacks of Perestroika and the USSR. This film has much influence from European post modernism and deals a lot with mental pain and its visions. I would recommend this film for those people who explores the dark side of experimental cinema. Quite obscure visionary and a lot of classical music. Rich imagery and political allegory enliven an already complex story in this late Soviet-era mystery/drama. In the story, a government investigator has come to town to look into the validity of bribery charges that were brought against an official there. In the meantime, we discover that a twin and his brother have been engaged in a kind of very close warfare. One twin was a medical doctor, and was married to a beautiful woman. The second twin was interested in bedding the wife, and had no feeling for his brother. Thus, he impersonated him in the hospital, and openly engaged in medical malpractice of the grossest sort, resulting in a patient‘s death. The first twin lost his career and was forced to support himself by going door to door selling kerosene. The second (and clearly sociopathic) twin, naturally, became an important figure in the activities of his local soviet.
  • 2022-12-04 也許這是蘇俄電影史上最詭異,最cult的一部電影。老塔门生亞·凱伊達諾夫斯基在《伊萬·伊里奇之死》里探討了存亡,在《賓》里探討了異端,而在這部極端混亂的《火油工的夫人》里探討了權力與身份。電影前半段與《贤人東尼的魅惑》相像,而後面卻有著《虚弱癥》的影子。一絕!
  • 2022-11-18 破败的楼房、街道种种老塔的既视感,意识流与超现实的暗昧边界,良多画面有油画般的感受。没有捍卫天使的尘世炼狱,对比无望的一部片子。
  • 2022-10-28 太好看了……太好看了太好看了……从第一个镜头到着末……连滞后10秒的字幕也没有影响到观感。@50420299
  • 2022-10-28 拉手风琴的镜头跟乡愁着末一个镜头太像了,喜好老塔尽管很容易在凯伊达诺夫斯基的片子别处孕育发生震荡感
  • 2022-10-27 这类超现实外语片,不看逻辑看气氛,半梦半醒正合适
  • 2022-10-24 超现实的影像和荒诞主义,看的云里雾里。
  • 2022-10-21 礼包码5lbcfglygoky